After being selected and approved, the 7 new experiments started and we want to welcome them! They will constitute the Second Wave and will have a duration of one year, exactly like the ones before them.
The experiments are the following:
Experiment 8
- FLOWCALOP – Flowforming process calibration via cloud optimization
Experiment 9
- CAPSUle – Cloudification of image analysis for human measure collection fo Personalized Safety protection clothing enineering an production
Experiment 10
- SHION – Smart Thermoplastic Injection
Experiment 11
- CloudEcho – Cloudified Analysis of Multi-sensorial Data for Optimised manufacturing
Experiment 12
- Update of CAE Models on Actual Manufactured Shapes
Experiment 13
- OSICS – Optimisation of the Production Process of Metal Structures using OSICE
Experiment 14
- Twin_in_Fog – Data Twin-based and Fog computing driven Proactive Control and Maintenance in Laser-based manufacturing
More information about the Experiments of the Second Wave will follow next weeks with an extended version of each experiment.
Welcome and good luck on this new project!